Visiting Gardens by the Bay and Supertree Grove

Visiting Gardens by the Bay and Supertree Grove

Garden’s by the Bay is an unreal experience and almost certainly top of anyone’s visit to Singapore. The iconic sight of Supertree Grove is something that just has to be seen in person. Yet there’s so much more there. We set aside an afternoon and spent some serious time exploring Garden’s by the Bay.

Singapore is renowned for being an expensive city. Yet we found there was so much to do that didn’t break the bank. Garden’s by the Bay is surprisingly one such activity. If you want to see Supertree Grove, it’s free. Yes, actually free! The area is open to the public without paying a single dollar. The same applies to the gardens themselves. All you have to pay for is the optional OCBC Skyway and the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest. 

The prices are: 

  • OCBC Skyway SGD$8 Adult / SGD$5 Child (3 – 12 years old)
  • Flower Dome and Cloud Forest Conservatories – a combined ticket for both is SGD$28 Adult / $15 Child (3-12 yeard old). Individual tickets can be purchased for SGD$12 Adult / SGD$8 Senior Citizen (≥60 years old) / $8 Child (3 – 12 years old).
  • Updates to the prices, can be found here.
Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay
The one and only Supertree Grove

Starting off, we went over on the trails to Waterlily Pond and Kingfisher. Here a large metal Kingfisher overlooks the area, with great views of Marina Bay Sands in the background. Taking our time and walking slowly we observed no end of birds and even a Malaysian Monitor Lizard. The wildlife here is fantastic!

Kingfisher Sculpture
One of the gorgeous Kingfisher Sculptures at Kingfisher Lake

Choosing the full experience, we opted to do the OCBC Skyway walk and visit the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest

Flower Dome 

The Flower Dome at Garden’s by the Bay is the world’s largest glass greenhouse! That’s even certified by Guinness World Records. Enclosed inside are almost 30,000 plants from across the world. Spread out over nine different gardens, there’s plants from Australia, Africa, Asia, America and Europe. From fragrant flowers to spikey trees. There’s seasonal displays too. We were there during ‘Singapop’, so an Orchard Garden had been installed to celebrate.

Of particular note were the carvings around the dome. Whoever made the dragon from old wood is one talented person.

Flowers in the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay
Inside the Flower Dome

Cloud Forest

Aside from Supertree Grove, the Cloud Forest contains one of the most famous sights at Gardens by the Bay. It’s home to a 35 metre waterfall, surrounded by mist and plants. Again, it’s another record breaker and the world’s tallest indoor waterfall. (Though I imagine the Jewel waterfall at Singapore’s Changi Airport’s might formally claim the title soon).

World's Largest Indoor Waterfall
The world’s largest indoor waterfall

Surrounding the Cloud Forest waterfall are five levels of activity. There’s a Lost World at the very top, showcasing animal eating plants and rock structures. One floor below is the Cloud Walk. Probably a highlight for most people, this takes you around the outside of the waterfall and around the top of the structure. 

Cloud Walk Gardens by the Bay
The epic Cloud Walk

Next up is a descent in to The Cavern and Crystal Mountain where there’s an abundance of stalagmites. A second platform takes you out on to the Treetop Walk. This gives a second chance to walk around the structure, but at an alternative level. The experience showcasing a range of fauna which grows at different heights to that which scales the top of the Cloud Forest’s central tower.

Insect eating Pitcher Plant
This plant eats insects and frogs!

Descending in to the lower level, there’s an educational gallery and theatre showcase information on global warming and climate change. There’s various displays and also a short movie which shows the future if we don’t start to make changes now.

Cloud Forest Tips

Check at the Cloud Forest entrance what time the ‘misting’ takes place, as it’s usually only once an hour. It’s great to combine it with your visit.

Supertree Grove

Supertree Grove didn’t fail to disappoint and was the absolute highlight of our visit to Gardens by the Bay. The metal structures are 160 feet high, yet covered in plants and looking like trees from a post apocalyptic future. Perhaps they actually came from another planet!

Singapore City as seen from Sueprtree Grove
Supertree Grove with the backdrop of Marina Bay Sands and the Singapore Flyer

OCBC Skyway

We did the OCBC Skyway, which is a 128 metre long and 22 metre high walkway linking three of the Supertrees together. It was well worth the money. Ascending in a lift, you exit to views of Singapore City and Garden’s by the Bay that are out of this world. To one side you can see far out to sea and the ground covered with lush green trees. To another, the iconic Marina Bay Sands and Singapore Flyer ferris wheel. 

How to see the Garden Rhapsody light show at Supertree Grove

You’re likely to have seen pictures of Supertree Grove lit up in a dazzling array of colours. This is all part of the Garden Rhapsody; a nighttime light show which takes place every day at 745 PM and 845 PM and lasting for 15 minutes.

Supertree Grove at night
The Garden Rhapsody light and music show

Remember it’s free to visit, you only pay for entry to the Skyway. Therefore no ticket is needed to see the light show. If you’re on the Skyway in the daytime you can likely spend as long as you like soaking up the views. At night time your experience may be limited to 15 minutes. This is because there’s only capacity for 80 people and it can get busy as people want a spot for the Garden Rhapsody.

Your options to experience the Garden Rhapsody are:

  • To get there early and watch from the Skyway.
  • Lay down on the ground below and look up.
  • Stand a little further back and get more of a panoramic perspective.

Personally, I feel a combination of options two and three are the best, but you aren’t going to be disappointed whatever angle you’re looking on from. 

We visited just after Singapore’s 54th Birthday, so there was a special musical soundtrack for one month only. It started with beautiful traditional music, but descended in to a bit of an audio cringe worthy cheese fest. It was still a great experience. 

Garden Rhapsody at Supertree Grove
You have to see Supertree Grove at night as well

Gardens by the Bay Opening Times

Gardens by the Bay is open from 5:00AM – 2:00AM (Singapore is very safe at night). The conservatory domes and OCBC Skyway are open from 9:00AM – 9:00PM.

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Visiting Gardens by the Bay and Supertree Grove

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