Top 5 Things to do in Caye Caulker

Top 5 Things to Do in Caye Caulker

Caye Caulker is a beautiful little island, just 45 minutes by boat from Belieze City. Here I’ll tell you my Top 5 Things to do on Caye Caulker:

Caye Caulker Sunset Belize
Caye Caulker is one beautiful island

1) Hol Chan Marine Reserve

Belieze is home to the world’s second largest barrier reef. Your visit wouldn’t be complete without experiencing it at the Hol Chan Marine Reserve.

Here you can snorkel with Nurse Sharks and Eagle Rays at Shark Ray Alley. You might even get to see a manattee, sea turtle or sunken ship!

You can’t go without a tour as it’s a protected space. A full days snorkelling with all equipment, lunch, guides and park reserve entrance fees will cost you around $65 USD ($130 BZD). We recommend Stressless Tours for their awesome guides and eco-friendly approach. Here’s a video of our experience:

2) The Split

Caye Caulker was split in half by a hurricane in 1961. Walk to The Split and you reach the end of the island. Look across to the other half which is now covered in mangroves. The Mangroves are also home to crocodiles!

Caye Caulker The Split
The Split

If you’re feeling adventurous, you may even like to kayak through The Split.

3) Kayak

The waters are peaceful and kayaking is an ideal way to while away the hours. You can easily find a kayak to rent for around $20 BZD per hour. A better option is to stay at the Pause Hostel which is also a cat rescue and home to 32 cute felines. It costs only $10 USD ($25 BZD) per night for a dorm room and the use of their kayaks is free!!

Caye Caulker Kayak

4) Eat at Fry Jack’s

If you want an authentic (and cheap) taste of the island, stop by Fry Jack’s. This little shack is is open from around 6AM until 2PM and always popular.

A lady will open the hatch and ask what you want. You tell her and she shuts it again quickly (what goes on in there?)

They have an extensive menu of things they’ll fry in to a battered wrap. You can pick any combination of fillings, with prices ranging from $1.50 BZD to $7 BZD. Think of it like a Caye Caulker Subway…but much less healthy!

Fry Jacks Caye Caulker
The Fry Jack’s Shack

5) Watch the Sunset over Caye Caulker

Find any spot you like on the right side of the island and by 5PM you’ll be in awe. There are dozens of boat jetties, so find a spot, grab some a Belikin beer and take it easy. 

Caye Caulker Sunset Chairs

6) Go Slow

Ok, I said Top 5, but I’ve extended it to six! ‘Go Slow’ is the motto of the island and we recommend you do the same. Nothing happens quickly, nor does it need to. Walk, swim, relax and just enjoy yourself.

Welcome to Caye Caulker
Enjoy Caye Caulker!

How to get to Caye Caulker:

Boats (or Water Taxis as they’re known), depart from the dock at Belize City. Looking online, you’ll be told there is only one service, but this is not the case. There’s Ocean Ferry Belize and Belize Water Taxi to choose from.

The map below below gives directions from the ADO bus terminal to where the Caye Caulker water taxis depart. Belize City isn’t very safe, so always keep a look out.

At the bus terminal and water taxi departure point, you’ll be approached with “the best prices” by both companies wanting your business. They’ll also both tell you that the other company is “run by the Chinese” and that “you don’t want to give your money to the Chinese. Give it to the Belize.”

Caye Caulker Water Taxi Office
The Ocean Ferry Water Taxi Office

We went with Ocean Ferry. It was $25 BZD ($12 USD) for a return ticket. You are issued a boarding pass when you pay. The return boarding pass is issued by showing your receipt on the return leg of the journey. 

You don’t need to specify a date of return as the open ticket is valid for two months. With Belize Water Taxi, your return is valid for three months.

Belize Water Taxi was only $2 BZD more, but as we’re travelling around the world, every few dollars adds up.

Caye Caulker Water Taxi Tickets
Hang on to the receipt - that acts as your return ticket

A word of caution. The Beilze Water Taxi website allows you to book in advance. However the online price is in USD. Get a ticket in person as it’s less than half the price of booking online.

The boat schedule for Caye Caulker:

Water taxis leave roughly every hour and aren’t usually full. If they are, the companies will likely squeeze more people on anyway!

First departure is around 8AM and last departure is at 5PM. The same applies when returning to Belieze City.

How to get to Ambergis Caye:

Ambergis Caye is the next island on from Caye Caulker. After dropping passengers off at Caye Caulker, they head there next. Prices for a return ticket to Ambergis Caye are approximately $45 BZD.


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